September reminds me of going back to school. A fresh start. New slate. It's a season for change. I love assessing how I spend my time + energy to see if it's aligning with my values. It's something I'm still working on.
Over the years, I’ve learned I can take on nearly anything, but not everything. Many of you know my life mantra — squeeze the juice out of life, every day. Yet, we can’t really do it ALL in one day, can we? I enjoy focusing on my values: work, family, friends + health (nutrition + exercise). Nearly all my decisions revolve around these values. It can be really easy to get swept up in what everyone else is doing.
When a new opportunity presents itself, I take a moment to pause + truly reflect. How will I feel? Why do I want to say “yes”? Does it align with my values? What else have I committed to before / after this new opportunity?
Sometimes, I think I can do it all, but I’ve learned that I can get run down — and it’s simply not worth it. I’ve had to say “no” often — and to be really honest, I feel bad. I wish I could clone myself! One of my very best solutions has been passing the opportunity along to someone else who may be interested.
Building community has been a huge piece of my world since I started Chi Chi Life in January 2015. The people I’ve crossed paths with have broadened my horizon, inspired me + supported me in this windy path.
When I can share an opportunity with someone — and it works out — boom! My heart is truly happy. So, I am curious — with the start of September, will you start to asses how you spend your time + energy? Are there activities or commitments you can shift? Let’s start filling our lives with more of what brings us pure joy! Life is way to darn short.