Last night, I arrived at Harlem 125th Street train station - commuting in from CT. It was torrential downpour. Luckily I had packed an umbrella but I can often forget! As I sped-walk to the subway, I noticed a woman walking with as much gusto — but no umbrella. I asked if she wanted to come under mine; we kept the same cadence. She said, nice people DO still exist. I smiled, and said of course, we are here!
She asked if I reverse commuted as well, sharing she works for Dannon (the yogurt company, amongst other products) in White Plains. We spoke about how she was transferred from Mexico City. I asked how she liked New York? She said it’s good but can be lonely, that she has family visit her often.
I asked if she likes to exercise, she said she likes to run. We discovered we both live on UES + enjoy running in Central Park. I gave her my card. We plan to meet up for a run!
Never underestimate the power of a simple gesture of kindness.