No matter what, the sun rises + sets. Another day begins -- a fresh slate, a brand new start. Our lives are always in motion + it's so important to understand that time marches on -- during the good, the bad + the ugly. Here are 3 tips that ground me.
When I find myself waiting for certain things -- or in a rough patch -- I've found the following to be super helpful:
1) Fill your days with the things you love. Delicious meals, exercise + wandering. Whatever makes your heart happy!
2) Plan an adventure. It's always fun to have something to look forward to. I adore traveling so making plans for our next trip is always exciting -- whether it's near or far.
3) Take a yoga class. Connecting your body + mind to your breath is extremely powerful. You reset your central nervous system + have the opportunity to quell any worries or anxieties. You move + flow -- and it's pretty magical. If you're in NYC, try classes at exhale or Earth Yoga. If you're in Ridgefield, try classes at Ridgefield Hot Yoga or Grow Wellness.
When all else fails, shut off your phone, snuggle on the couch with a juicy book! :)
What helps you when you're in a rough patch or waiting for things? I'm all ears!